Wednesday, May 7, 2008

PBR Forever!

By Mary Compton, SouthtownStar via AP

A Chicago man has commissioned his own Pabst Blue Ribbon coffin.

If Cc:BJ had an official beer, it would either be PBR or Odoul's. So, until I see an Odoul's coffin, I am proclaiming PBR the offical beer of Cc:BJ.

The story is pretty creepy though because he has not only gotten into the coffin, but he also used it as a giant ice bucket for PBR's at a recent party.

I always find it funny when people latch onto weird things like this. He probably has a pretty normal life, but now he is just "the crazy PBR guy." That will be his legacy and that will be what people remember about him.

(via Slashfood)

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