Thursday, February 5, 2009

Penis Envy???

Does anyone remember Ben Affleck and Matt Damon? They were the two guys who wrote a screenplay that vaguely resembled the film Good Will Hunting, which ghost writers everywhere are still demanding they deserve the oscar for. Apparently when they first began schmoozing it up in hollywood they would go to these black tie affairs in full tuxedos with their pants unzipped. They would then have a contest to see who could touch the biggest celebrity with their penis fully exposed without them actually knowing. It's rumored this is how Clooney and Damon became such good friends. We all know Clooney isn't married for a reason and Damon might just be that reason. Anyway, if these two thought they were getting the last laugh it seems that they should have patented that idea before these guys came up with this on. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you your next fashion craze:

The world can rest easy now. Dicks are everywhere.

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