Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Confirmed: Bumper Stickers make you an asshole

toothpaste for dinner

A recent study by psychologists at Colorado State has determined that people with bumper stickers on their car are much more likely to exhibit road rage.

This makes perfect sense when you consider that most bumper stickers (at least in the south) say things like "Keep Honking, I'm reloading", "Work Harder - Millions on welfare depend on you" and my personal favorite "Gun Control means using both hands."

However, the study found that people with bumper stickers promoting peace & acceptance were just as likely to exhibit road rage when provoked.

I think the lesson here is that the old lady in the 87 Plymouth Reliant with the "Don’t let the car fool you, my real treasure is in heaven" bumper sticker is just as dangerous as the mulleted truck driver with a "White Power" sticker.

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