Friday, June 13, 2008

This Is Hollywood... Act Accordingly

In other odd celebrity couple news, it was just brought to my attention that Natalie Portman is dating none other than singer/cult leader Devendra Banhart. Now I can understand A-list actresses slumming it every now then. We get it, we do it too. We just don't go bragging to our friends about it afterwords. I'm sure after being pampered all day you want to go out and feel dirty for just one night. But dating and being seen in public with this riff raff is just plain spiraling out of control. Didn't we learn anything from Kate Hudson and Chris Robinson? I'm sure the pot smoking, patchouli wearing, scarf in the dead of summer look is tempting but you have to realize that it never lasts. It's not like he's cleaning up his act anytime soon. And if it's indie cred you ladies are looking for all you have to do is stick to Andy Samberg's Digital Shorts. It's true, we do love you Natalie but even we have our limitations.

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